51 research outputs found

    A inteligência artificial na resolução de conflitos em linha

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    A passagem para uma sociedade globalizada, assente em relações estabelecidas através do funcionamento das redes telemáticas, traz consigo novas necessidades no que à resolução de conflitos respeita. Os litígios podem agora surgir entre quaisquer duas pessoas ou entidades, independentemente do local físico em que se encontrem. O que nos leva a ter que encarar alternativas ao tradicional sistema de resolução judicial de conflitos, e até alternativas aos sistemas alternativos de resolução de conflitos(1).Esta publicação insere-se no TIARAC – Telemática e Inteligência Artificial na Resolução Alternativa de Conflitos (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), que é um projecto de investigação suportado pela FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Divergência entre vontade e declaração nas declarações emitidas por “agentes” de software

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    [Excerto] O uso de “agentes” de software no comércio electrónico vem colocar uma série de novas questões ao Direito Civil. Este novo tipo de “agentes” de software será capaz de emitir declarações de vontade1 e concluir acordos, por si só, sem que os utilizadores (humanos) tenham sequer consciência de que uma negociação contratual teve sequer início, quanto mais que um acordo contratual foi concluído. As possibilidades de actuação destes “agentes”, mais ou menos inteligentes, baseadas em estados cognitivos e estados intencionais2, acabam por nos forçar a analisar as possibilidades de aplicação das regras gerais de direito civil sobre divergências entre vontade e declaração nas declarações contratuais emitidas por “agentes” de software

    Issues on intelligent electronic agents and legal relations

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    computers have been looked as an instrument due to process and record information, but also as a means of automatically processing and transmitting information, and now as a means of autonomously thinking, deciding, acting. Recent trends in the field of what we are calling Artificial Intelligence, brought along new ways of expressing will and declarations – as an electronic behaviour that exteriorizes the content of a certain autonomous will. This leads us to a urgent need of rethinking many legal theories that we had since long ago already thought as definitely established, such as the theories of will, personality, consent and representation. In this paper we will question legal relations involving Intelligent Electronic Agents

    Software agents and contracts

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    In the current economical context, characterized by the existence of a global society, the access to information is crucial for any economical and social development; yet, important technological challenges still remain. The representation, maintenance, and querying of information is a central part of this problem. How can we obtain the adequate information at the adequate time? How can we supply the correct items for the correct people at the correct time? How and where can we get the relevant information for a good decision-making? The organizations focus their competences in strategical areas and have recourse to external supplies, cooperating with sporadic partners, with the objective of reducing costs, risks, and technological faults or maximizing benefits and business opportunities. One of the most radical and spectacular changes is the information dematerialization, the procedure automation, the recourse to decision support systems or intelligent systems, and to new forms of celebrating contracts (e.g., is it possible to practice commercial acts and celebrate deals using autonomous and pro-active computational agents?). The virtual organizations face new challenges and there must be a search for new answers to old questions. The negotiation processes through electronic means and the e-commerce platforms may set new forms of contracts, with engagements and negotiations among virtual entities

    Privacy and data protection towards elderly healthcare

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    Developed societies are registering a dramatic change in terms of population evolution, being the most important fact the high tendency in the ageing of the whole population. An alarming fact is that the birth-rate is dropping very fast, inverting the ageing pyramid that used to have a higher incidence on the young population, now having a higher incidence in the older population. In the quest to provide answers to some problems the elderly population has, applications and projects arise from the Ambient Assisted Living area, providing services that help the user in his daily life, providing the needed help and trying to be the less invasive as possible. The fact is that these systems operate optimally by using information about the user, assisting him accordingly to his preferences. The data gathered for such events is highly personal and sensitive. Being this data escalating several stages until it finally is ready to be inserted in the system. This can cause a loss of privacy and data protection. In this document we present an Ambient Assisted Living project towards assistance to an elderly population and the problems and possible solutions in the legal area towards loss of privacy, data protection and personal information.(undefined

    Resolução de conflitos em linha: uma aplicação ao direito de consumo

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    A crescente utilização da contratação electrónica força-nos a equacionar a mudança da resolução de litígios para os ambientes electrónicos. Assim, o elemento tecnológico há-de ser considerado realmente como uma “quarta parte”. Neste contexto, os agentes de software podem desempenhar um importante papel. Um ponto fundamental para a resolução de confl itos prende-se com a consideração da melhor alternativa (BATNA – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) e da pior alternativa (WATNA – Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) a um acordo extra-judicial. Os agentes de software podem-se tornar de extrema utilidade para o cálculo destas alternativas e para que a resolução dos confl itos possa na verdade ser encarada sob uma perspectiva de orientação pelo risco. Com tudo isto em mente, tentámos desenvolver o UMCourt – aqui apresentado com base numa aplicação concreta no domínio do direito do consumo.Esta publicação insere-se no TIARAC – Telemática e Inteligência Artificial na Resolução Alternativa de Conflitos (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), que é um projecto de investigação suportado pela FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Conflict resolution in virtual locations

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    The growing use of telematic ways of communication and of the new developments of Artificial Intelligence, brought along new ways of doing business, now in an electronic format, and requiring a new legal approach. Thus, there is an obvious need for legal changes and adaptations, not only concerning a new approach of traditional legal institutes, but also concerning a need for new developments in procedural means. Transactions are now undertaken in fractions of seconds, through the telematic networks, requiring more efficient ways for solving conflicts; on the other hand, the fact that we must now consider commercial transactions totally undertaken within an electronic environment (“online transactions”) leads to an obligation of rethinking the ways of solving disputes, that will inevitably arise from electronic commerce. It is an important change already taking place, pointing out to various ways of alternative dispute resolution and, among all these ways, letting us already perceive different possibilities of using the new technologies in order to reach faster and more efficient ways (still also “fair”) of solving commercial disputes. It is a whole new evolution towards a growing use not only alternative dispute resolution, but also, towards the so-called on-line dispute resolution.The work described in this paper is included in TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), which is a research project supported by FCT (Science & Technology Foundation), Portugal

    Using mediation to solve disputes with avoiding parties

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    In virtually every environment there is the chance that, sooner or later, a dispute will arise. Disputes can take place in the most different scenarios and concern the most different subjects. With the advent of the telecommunication technologies, disputes also started to take place in virtual environments. In order to settle these new disputes, Online Dispute Resolution tools started to emerge. In this paper we present one of such tools, aimed at supporting mediation between two or more parties. Specifically, this tool looks at past known mediation processes and tries to guide the process into a successful outcome. It targets scenarios in which one or more party exhibits avoiding or uncooperative conflict styles, i.e., the party cannot or is not willing to generate valid proposals for dispute resolution.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006

    Sistema de resolução online de conflito para partilhas de bens : divórcios e heranças

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    Em diversos sectores da sociedade, a resolução de litígios pelos tribunais tem se revelado menos viável, mais morosa e custosa. Para contornar algumas das imperfeições dos sistemas jurídicos convencionais surgiram os processos de resolução alternativa de conflitos (ADR). Devido aos avanços tecnológicos, ao surgimento da Internet e com isso também novas formas de conflitos, a ADR teve necessidade de adaptar e melhorar os seus processos a fim de dar respostas às mudanças provocadas. Assim, sistemas capazes de suportar diferentes abordagens da ADR foram criados passando a denominar-se sistemas de resolução online de conflitos (ODR). Neste artigo apresentamos o UMCourt Partilha, um sistema de ODR orientado à partilha de bens entre partes em disputa. Este, está a ser especificamente desenvolvido para assistir em casos de divórcios e heranças contemplando conceitos da lei, técnicas de inteligência artificial e teorias de jogo.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006